
IPIC Imago international Photo Contest embraces two themes: 

Single Shot: "Love"

Storytelling: free theme

It is possible to participate by selecting one theme  (single shot or storytelling.) or both.

1. One Shot "Love"

€ 500,00

The topic can be declined in all its forms. From filial and parental love to childhood love; from love as a couple to a more general love for nature, for a passion, for food, for sport, for a pet, the instinctive love in the animal world, or the one linked to the spiritual sphere.

The participant may send in a single photograph for this theme.

2. Storytelling

€ 500,00

With a minimum of four and a maximum of eight photos the participant will tell a story, of which content, style and language will be at his choice; the coherency of the storytelling and the care in building the photo sequence will be highly regarded by the Jury, as well as the meaningfulness of the story and the ability to tell it by photography.

The participant may send in a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 photographs for this theme.

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