The Imago Photo International Contest is addressed to professional and amateur photographers from all Countries. A participant may be excluded from the contest if the organization should, at its discretion, consider him non-compliant of the rules and conditions of the contest.THEME 1: Love
The topic can be declined in all its forms. From filial and parental love to childhood love; from love as a couple to a more general love for nature, for a passion, for food, for sport, for a pet, the instinctive love in the animal world, or the one linked to the spiritual sphere.
The participant can send a single photograph.
2. Storytelling
With a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 photographs, the participant can tell a story, whose content, style and language will be at his discretion; the coherence of the narrative and the attention in defining the narrative sequence will be privileged criteria of judgment, as well as the significance of the theme and the ability to narrate photographically.
Deadline for sending images: 2022 - Aug, 10.
The participation fees are € 20,00 allows you to participate in one or both sections. The fees will be payed accordingly to the directions on the contest’ website, in the online registration section; checks are not accepted.
Photographies by authors who won’t fulfill the payment, as well as won’t complete the registration form in all its details, will not be admitted to the contest.The photos can be sent even after the online registration, provided the participation fee has been payed and the registration form fully completed, and in any case within Aug,10 2022, last valid day for sending.
- PayPal / Credit
- Money transfer to:
Associazione Imago at Catullo
Banco Desio della Brianza
IBAN IT57 R034 4011 2000 0000 0390 000
All the works will be sent by the Internet, according to the rules explained in the contest’ website.Works not delivered through this method won’t be accepted and/or judged; every photo can compete for only one theme, except for photos challenging the Storytelling theme, one of which can also compete in the Odi et Amo and Portrait themes as a single work. Photos will be in JPG file format, with sRGB color profile. The weight of a single photo must not exceed 2MB. Photo dimensions must be of 1920 pixels maximum for the long end (both vertical or horizontal formats), with a 72 Dpi resolution.
Works entirely made on a Personal Computer platform, photo stitching or photomontages, as well as photos with personal signs or watermarks of any kind won’t be admitted.
The photos will be named according to the category, followed by the author’s first and last names, in capital letters and without spacing; the photos challenging in the Storytelling theme will follow the same criteria, adding a sequence number after the author’s named with an Underscore character between.
Every other mandatory info will be given through the online registration system; a maximum of 30 characters will be possible, with the exclusion of invalid characters such as ?/ : ? * " < > | ' #
Single photography example, Love: 1MARIOROSSI.jpg
Storytelling example: 2MARIOROSSI_01.jpg
Each participant is the owner of the full rights of the sent photos.The participant states the presented works are made by himself, and takes full care of any kind of right permission of use and reproduction of the image or likeness of any third part depicted in the photos.The participant allows the organization to reproduce freely any of the sent photos, exclusively for contest’s promotional purposes such as catalogues, calendars and web uses.The winning and selected photos will be shared with press and/or communication agencies for communication purposes only. Every time any of the photos will be used or shown in any way, credits of the author will be granted and shown; no photo participating the Imago Photo International Contest will ever be sold or used by the organization or any of the contest’s sponsors for commercial purposes, except for exhibitions, catalogues or other uses exclusively to promote the contest or inform about it.
Digital manipulation is allowed to optimize the photos, as well as horizon straightening and cropping in a small percentage (up to 20%), but is not allowed to add or remove key elements of the photographic composition. Brightness, contrast and color balance can be adjusted. The photos can be sharpened to taste.Manipulation realistically achievable in a traditional darkroom will be accepted, but the judges reserve, at their unquestionable judgment, the faculty to exclude any photo excessively retouched or manipulated, to the detriment of the integrity of the original shot.THe participants admitted to the final selection will be requested to send the RAW or otherwise original shot files.
The participants will be judged by the selected judges. The photos will be judged by theme anonymously. The judges won’t know any of the participants’ names. The jury will evaluate the photos’ visual impact, composition, originality, technical skills, creativity, and the ability to communicate a message, a feeling or an emotion.The selected jury is representative of a broad sector of photography and its uses; it’s made up international level professional photographers, editors, and other photography experts. All the participating photos will be judged on-line and independently by the whole jury, so that every judge will be able to review the photos from their respective locations, to give an absolutely independent assessment. For each theme the best photos, chosen by total achieved score, will grade up to the next judging level for the final round. The finalists’ number will be variable, according to the number of the entered photos. Before the final round the selected participants will be requested by the jury to send the high resolution files of their works, within the specified date and under penalty of exclusion from the contest. The winners of each theme will be chosen accordingly to the highest achieved judgement score.
The participants that will achieve the highest score for each category of the theme will be proclaimed winners of the Imago Photo International Contest 2020, and will gain a prize of € 500,00.
All the participants will receive via e-mail the contest’s results. The results will also be published on the contest’s website and Facebook page.
All the participants will receive via e-mail the contest’s results. The results will also be published on the contest’s website and Facebook page.
The best scoring photos will be published on the contest’s website and Facebook page, and will be shown in a collective exhibition taking place during the Imago@Catullo happening. Some of the photos could be selected for promotional purposes, both in Italy and beyond. At the end of the exhibition period the printed photos could be, with a previous agreement with the authors, used for charity projects purposes.
Filling in the contest’s registration the participant subscribes the statements of Italian Law’s Dlgs 679/2016 (about Privacy), and all its further modifications: also, the participation to the contest implies the authorization to the treatment, by computerized or other means, of personal data, and their use by the contest’s organization for the needs of the contest itself or other associative purposes. Personal data will also be used to inform the participants about contest’s results and/or other future projects.