The prizes

The participants that will achieve the highest score for each category will be proclaimed winners of the Imago Photo International Contest 2022, and will gain a money prize.

All the participants will receive via e-mail the contest’s results. The results will also be published on the contest’s website and Facebook page.

The decision of the Imago Photo International Contest jury is final

The jury reserves the choice to assign special prizes, as well as the right to keep any of the prizes, should the level of the photos not fulfill the contest’s standards.

The prizes will have to be withdrawn the very day of the final ceremony by the winners in person, or exclusively by other persons formally authorized by the winners themselves and previously made known to the organization.

Collective exhibition
The best scoring photos will be published on the contest’s website and Facebook page, and will be shown in a collective exhibition taking place during the Imago@Catullo happening. Some of the photos could be selected for promotional purposes, both in Italy and beyond. At the end of the exhibition period the printed photos could be, with a previous agreement with the authors, used for charity projects purposes.

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