Imago@Catullo - Imago Photo<br>International<br>Contest

from 01.06.2022 to 10.08.2022

Imago - International photo contest 2022

The Imago Photo International Contest is addressed to professional and amateur photographers from all Countries.

A participant may be excluded from the contest if the organization should, at its discretion, consider him non-compliant of the rules and conditions of the contest.

Imago@Catullo: Organizers

Contest calendar

  • Contest opening: 01.06.2022
  • Contest closing:  10.08.2022
  • First selection announcing: 23.09.2022
  • Final selection announcing: 20.10.2022
  • High definition files sending: 03.11.2020
  • Awarding ceremony in Sirmione: tbc

Our supporters

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